Tagged: PNR

Why the seismic traffic light system must not be relaxed for UK fracking

The TLS is needed, but it is not fit for purpose and needs to be tightened up not relaxed! We last addressed this issue back in February 2019 when the fracking industry was desperately lobbying government to allow them to carry on regardless of the induced seismic activity that everyone...

Schrödingers Protesters

It seems that we protesters are in fact merely unknowing participants in Cuadrilla’s thought experiment. Like the eponymous cat we appear to exist in two different states simultaneously. Cuadrilla’s Technical Director Mark Lappin was reported at the most recent Community Liaison Group meeting as stating that protest action at Preston...

Cuadrilla downgrade forecast confidence

Things have not been going swimmingly for Cuadrilla (unless we imagine them splashing around on their soggy well pad perhaps). This is perhaps reflected in the language they use to describe their level of confidence in their ability to extract gas from their operation at Preston New Road. Back in...

EUR having a laugh aren’t you ?

EUR having a laugh aren’t you ?

Our old friend Ben Webster – the Times’ fracking sage – reported recently on Cuadrilla’s tests from their PNR well which were “very encouraging”. He told us: Cuadrilla said that the results were in line with estimates in 2013 by the British Geological Survey for the Bowland Shale under northern...

The  times they are a changin’

The times they are a changin’

Well Cuadrilla’s timings for Preston New Road are anyway. Today Francis Egan, Cuadrilla’s boss, told Drill or Drop “We will exercise our democratic right to carry on with our lawful work at Preston New Road which is progressing to plan.” With Mr Egan it is hard to know whether even...

Unhappy campers

Unhappy campers

While protesting about fracking there are some dark and dramatic moments which makes it all the more surreal when it all degenerates into farce. I could hardly believe my eyes when I realised that Lancashire County Council, in its infinite wisdom has now positioned between 4 and 6 security guards...

PR Companies Are Pushing Your Buttons

PR Companies Are Pushing Your Buttons

Backing Fracking and the other industry astroturf  groups are clearly struggling to engage the 50% or so of the population who are undecided in fracking, so of late they’ve been doing a bit of button pushing. In the Conservative Fylde this has mostly taken the form of demonising protesters as...