Category: Public Opinion

Desperate Times …

With Liz Truss’s backing fracking policy in disarray, the industry is starting to realise that that its reprieve might be rather short lived, so we are seeing a concerted (if not very successful) attempt to influence public opinion by pushing the usual buttons. Charles McAllister of industry mouthpiece UKOOG has...

Lorraine Allanson

The Lozza and Ken tag team is back!

Ever since we learned that the moratorium on fracking might be lifted we’ve been wondering when we’d have the pleasure of hearing Lorraine Allanson and Ken Wilkinson performing their shameless double act again. Listening to Tom Swarbrick on LBC yesterday we finally got to hear them both again when they...

Net Zero Watch are on shaky ground

Net Zero Watch (a retread of The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) are not usually particularly transparent, particularly when it comes to their sources of funding as we can see here: Their motives though are though quite transparent when it comes to some of their “demands”. After all, we know...

Liz Truss Struggles To Explain Local Consent

This morning Prime Minister, Liz Truss, gave a series of car crash interviews on BBC local radio stations. Quizzed by Graham Liver on BBC Radio Lancashire, she struggled to explain what she meant by local consent and why she felt fracking should go ahead here in Lancashire. During the short...

More Numberwang

In yesterday’s Sunday Express an open letter from a number of the usual suspects (Brexity types turned climate change mitigation avoiders) like Tim Martin and Lance Forman claims: The United Kingdom has enough natural gas to take back control of our energy policy at least until we have developed nuclear...