Category: Information Level – Medium

Information Level – Medium

Could imported LNG really be cheaper than UK produced shale?

Could imported LNG really be cheaper than UK produced shale?

We were struck by a graphic produced by the Frackers’ PR machine last week so we decided to do some analysis of the relative costs ourselves. The results are quite interesting. The moral of today’s story is “Don’t be taken in by simplistic and illogical memes.” Here in one graphic...

The dominos are falling

The dominos are falling

Professor Paul Younger, an academic who famously supported fracking and UCG, is now reported to have recanted. The Ferret investigative journalism web site now  reports him as saying that the case for shale has has been “fatally undermined” by the government’s U-Turn on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) The Ferret...

UKOOG – it’s hard to understand the science when we can’t get answers!

UKOOG – it’s hard to understand the science when we can’t get answers!

After UKOOG’s embarrassing climb down over their estimates of truck movements on their web sites we asked them for further clarification as we reported here We sent this email to them Subject: Vehicle movements Date: 8 October 2015 14:35:06 BST To: Dear Sir On your web site you have...

“Fracking caused British Columbia earthquake”

“Fracking caused British Columbia earthquake”

B.C. Oil and Gas Commission reports that a 4.6-magnitude earthquake in northeastern British Columbia last week  has been linked to the largest earthquake in the province that’s already been attributed to fracking – a 4.4-magnitude earthquake that was felt in Fort St. John and Fort Nelson in August 2014. This...

DECC Public Attitudes  Tracker  – Wave 14 shows support for shale dwindling

DECC Public Attitudes Tracker – Wave 14 shows support for shale dwindling

DECC Public Attitudes Tracker – Wave 14 released in August 2015 shows that public support for shale gas extraction continues to weaken. Perhaps the most significant finding is that “support for fracking appears to be linked to awareness…The only group to be more supportive are those that haven’t heard of...

Preston New Road Community Group  Slams New Task Force Report

Preston New Road Community Group Slams New Task Force Report

PRESTON NEW ROAD COMMUNITY GROUP PRESS INFORMATION 15th July 2015 Preston New Road Community Group Slams New Task Force Report Preston New Road Community Group has described the newly-published report by the Task Force on Shale Gas – Assessing the Impact of Shale Gas on the Local Environment and Health...