Yearly Archive: 2015

And don’t Dilley Dally on the way

And don’t Dilley Dally on the way

The Daily Telegraph reported yesterday on the interesting story about Sir Philip Dilley, the Chairman of the Environment Agency, being out of the country on holiday in Barbados as the Boxing Day floods hit. Now, to be charitable, everyone is allowed a holiday, and nobody could perhaps have accurately predicted...

Happy Frack Free Christmas

Happy Frack Free Christmas

Thank you to all of the people who have followed this blog throughout 2015. Next year promises to be a demanding one but we have won battles before and we shall win them again. In the meantime the message on our Christmas nativity scene seems more appropriate than ever 🙂

Backing Fracking reacts!

Backing Fracking reacts!

You might think that when we provide CCTV evidence that anti-fracking signs were stolen from people’s gardens that any group which claims to have integrity, be responsible and represent residents’ views would try to distance itself from any criminal actions. Well not Backing Fracking, who, having tried to generate positive...

Oh dear – has it come to this?

Oh dear – has it come to this?

In the early hours of Monday 7th December, 2015, the Roseacre Awareness Group’s anti-fracking protest signage was removed by trespassing on and stealing people’s private property. To say that this demonstrates just how badly the supporters of fracking are losing the argument is an understatement Here is CCTV footage of...

More contextual advertising

More contextual advertising

Well Backing Fracking finally held their promised vigil – not in Preston as advertised, but hastily moved to Blackpool. They say because of the problems in Preston (which don’t seem to have phased the TUC). We think it’s more likely that they just panicked when they realised what an embarrassingly...

LCC tell the government what they think!

LCC tell the government what they think!

Today, 17 December 2015, there was a meeting of the Full Council of LCC We understand that the following motion was put to a vote Agenda Part C – Notices of Motion submitted under Procedural Standing Order 14. 2.1(a) “1. By County Councillor Steve Holgate: Lancashire County Council has spent...

A Tale of Two Martyrs

A Tale of Two Martyrs

480 years ago a scholar and theologian named William Tyndale was put to death, by being strangled and burned, for having committed the heresy of translating the bible into English. We have learned from The Bee that today in Preston a close namesake, Stephen Tindale – will address a vigil...

Lord save us from badly informed academics

Lord save us from badly informed academics

Today in Parliament MPs will vote on the secondary legislation via statutory instrument on fracking in protected areas. Radio 4 carried an article on the Today programme this morning on the vote and invited Professor Richard Davies of Durham University’s ReFine group to comment. Profesor Davies was dismissive of the...