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- Ken Wilkinson - prominent pro-fracking activist and industry supporter (Yes we know , he doesn't know what "prolific" means does he?)
Ed Milliband on Lifting The Moratorium
“They are lifting the ban, but they cannot supply the evidence, and the British Geological Survey report published today certainly does not do it. So in the absence of the evidence, his approach is to change the safety limits.
I look forward to him and his colleagues explaining his charter for earthquakes to the people of Lancashire, Yorkshire, the midlands, Sussex, Dorset and, indeed, Somerset who will be part of his dangerous experiment. Let me tell the Conservatives that we will hang this broken promise round their necks in every part of the country between now and the next general election."
Parliament 22 September 2022
Kwasi Kwarteng Speaks!
"Additional UK production won’t materially affect the wholesale market price. This includes fracking – UK producers won’t sell shale gas to UK consumers below the market price. They’re not charities."
Twitter 7:24 AM · Feb 28, 2022
Defend Localism!
Take the advice of Greg Clark, ex-Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government
"Those who are prepared to organise to be more effective and more efficient should be able to reap substantially the rewards of that boldness ...
Take power now. Don’t let yourself, any longer, be ruled by someone else"
Yes you!
Be a flea
Japanese Proverb quoted by Jessica Ernst
Make sense?
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- So who takes Cuadrilla's money and why do they think they can buy a social licence to operate?
Drill or Drop
Fracking here’s a bad idea!

"What you have to be able to do when you decide you want to hydraulic fracture is make sure there are no faults in the area. That's really very very important"
Professor Mike Stephenson - Director of Science and Technology - British Geological Survey